Important Notice: Concerning preventative measures against the Coronavirus infection
Request to all Customers
Thank you for your understating and cooperation in taking the following measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and enabling us to protect you—our important client—and our staff.
-Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Japan—and to avoid any possible risk—antibacterial spray and sanitizing wipes are in our cars for use during property viewings.
-Our staff are required to wear masks to protect themselves from the virus. We would like to ask for your cooperation by taking part in infectious disease countermeasures such as wearing masks and disinfecting your hands during property visits. (Facilities available)
-If you have recently traveled to foreign countries, or have been in contact with someone
who has, within 14 days of your planned visit to our offices, we ask that you inform us prior to your visit. In some cases, we may have to postpone the date of your visit until 2 weeks have elapsed (i.e. the virus’s incubation period).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Maeda Real Estate