Privacy Policy

Maeda Real Estate Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) handles private information based on the belief the protection and proper management of private information is an important corporate social responsibility. The Company protects and properly handles private information in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.

*“Private information” as defined in this privacy policy does not encompass the individual number defined by the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (My Number Act) or other personally identifiable information. The Company properly handles individual numbers and other personally identifiable information in accordance with rules and regulations stipulated separately.

1. Basic Policy (Compliance)

The Company faithfully complies to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and all other relevant laws as well as internal rules and regulations to properly handle as well as securely and reliably manage personal information and anonymously processed information (hereinafter referred to as “Private Information”).

2. Acquisition and Use of Private Information

The Company acquires private information through fair and lawful means in a capacity necessary to conduct its business. Moreover, the Company will not handle private information outside the necessary scope to achieve the usage purposes without first-person informed consent unless required to by law.

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We use cookies to collect / store / analyze limited personal data when you visit. This information will only be used to better understand users’ behavior to further improve our offerings. You can deactivate or block cookies by changing the settings within your Browser.

3. Usage Purposes of Private Information

The Company will handle private information only within the necessary scope to acquire private information and achieve the other usage purposes outlined below unless first-person informed consent is given or the Company is required to by law or other special circumstances.


  • - Purchase, mediation, lease and management of real estate
  • - All other incidental operations related to each item above

[Purpose of Use]

  • To solicit, sell, guide and communicate information about the products and services of the Company, group companies as well as affiliate companies
  • To provide solicitation, sale, and service information about securities (trust beneficiary rights, etc.) in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
  • To determine the validity of providing products and services by highlighting the principles of suitability
  • To ship products, conduct aftercare services and respond to inquiries in corporate operations
  • To execute transaction management and customer administrative services (including confirmation during transactions) in corporate operations
  • To confirm a customer is the said persons or proxy of said person
  • To conduct marketing, market research, data analysis and new service considerations inside the Company
  • To conduct various means of contact with customers and carry out informational distribution (mail magazines, etc.) and questionnaires
  • To provide private information to third-parties (*) within the necessary scope to achieve the usage purposes

    (*) A third-party is defined as a party such as housing land and building brokers, property management companies, furniture interior manufacturers, transportation companies, insurance companies (including agents), financial institutions, attorneys and judicial scrivener. Private information will only be disclosed to these third-parties within the necessary scope for the Company to provide adequate services.

  • To smoothly execute corporate operations
  • To properly and smoothly execute other transactions with customers

4. Use of Private Information Already in the Public Domain

The Company may properly obtain private information through materials already in the public domain such as real estate registries, commercial registries, cadastral maps, corporate informational magazines, basic residential registers, certificates of fixed asset valuations, telephone books and other private information sold commercially.

5. Handling Anonymously Processed Information

  • The Company will provide notification about the necessary items required by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and all other relevant laws as well as internal rules and regulations on its corporate homepage and other mediums when creating or providing anonymously processed information. The Company shall also put in place the necessary security steps in accordance with security control measures for private information when handling anonymously processed information.
  • The Company will not acquire special care-required personal information stipulated in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information without the prior consent of the individual unless required to by law. Moreover, the Company will not require customers to opt-out (special clause not requiring prior consent from individuals for the provision of information to third-parties) for special care-required personal information.
  • The Company will not acquire, use, or provide the sensitive information defined in guidelines on the protection of personal information for the financial industry for any other purpose than those deemed necessary to conduct appropriate operational management.

6. Disclosure and Revision of Private Data Held by the Company

The Company will disclose, revise or stop use of private data (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosure, etc.”) when a request is filed in the designated written format. The Company will conduct the Disclosure, etc. when the process is deemed appropriate after verifying the identity of the individual through a copy of a residential register or other means of identification.

  • Contact to Request Disclosure, etc.
    (1) By mail:
    5-15, Koyo-cho Naka, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan
    Information Service Representative, Planners International Ltd.
    (2) By electronic email:
    Please send requests using the contact form on our corporate homepage.
  • Materials to submit
    (1) Designated Company request form for Disclosure, etc. of private data held by the Company
    (2) Documentation to confirm identity
    (i) If the person making the request is said individual
    • One of the following documents:
    • - Copy of a document issued by a public institution such as a driver’s license or passport
    (ii) If the person making the request is a proxy of said individual
    • “Documents to identify proxy” and “materials to verify proxy” in addition to the identification materials in (i) above
    • [ Documents to identify proxy ]
      One of the following documents:
      - Copy of a document issued by a public institution such as a driver’s license or passport for the proxy
      [ Materials to verify proxy ]
      One of the following documents:
      - Materials to verify power of legal representation if a legal representative
      - Letter of proxy if a mandated proxy (including the official seal of said individual)
  • Processing fees

    Please transfer the processing fee of 1,000 yen plus sales tax for each request for Disclosure, etc. as a processing fee to the account designated by the Company. In addition, the person making the request is also responsible for any fees incurred for the wire transfer.

  • Response
    • The Company will respond in writing to said individuals within a reasonable time frame and scope after verifying and investigating the contents of requests that are received and confirming receipt of processing fees. Even in the event a request is made through a proxy, the Company will respond to said individual unless the request is made by a legal representative. Moreover, the Company may not be able to process Disclosure, etc. requests in the following cases:
    • (1) If Disclosure, etc. may result in loss of life, injury or harm the assets as well as the rights and interests of individuals or third-parties
    • (2) If Disclosure, etc. may significantly hinder the proper execution of corporate operations
    • (3) If Disclosure, etc. violates laws or ordinances

7. Items Related to the Provision of Information to Third-parties

The Company will not provide private data to any third-party without the expressed prior consent of individuals unless required to by law. The Company will also autonomously stop use of private data it holds when a request is received from an individual.

8. Items Related to Sharing of Private Information

The Company may share private information it holds with the group companies below within the necessary scope to achieve the above usage purposes. Items of private information to share are minimized to only the items necessary to achieve the usage purposes such as names, companies, affiliations, positions, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and owned asset information. In addition, each group company shall be responsible for managing private information that is shared. Please see each corporate homepage for more information about the policies to protect private information at each group company.

  • [Group Companies to Share Private Information]
  • - Maeda Real Estate
  • - Entente Management Centrum
  • - Support Co., Ltd.
  • - Life and Life
  • - All Japan Relocation, Inc.

9. Items Related to Security Control Measures

The Company will formulate and comply with separate informational management regulations to prevent leaks, destruction and lose as well as properly manage private data.

10. Outsourcing for Handling of Private Information and Supervision of Outsourcing Contractors

The Company may outsource the handling of private information and other related matters to a third-party within the necessary scope to achieve the usage purposes. In the event of outsourcing, the Company will provide the necessary and appropriate supervision of outsourcing contractors in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and ordinances.

11. Inquiries and Complaints Related to Personal Information

  • [ Contact ]
  • Information Service Representative, Planners International Ltd.
  • Phone: 078-858-0810
  • E-mail:
  • Open: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (except on weekends and holidays)

12. Other

The Company always strives to improve this policy and its handling of private information to thoroughly heighten the protection of private information according to changes in social-accepted ideas and technological innovations in the management of private information. Any revisions to this policy will be published on our corporate homepage.

  • Created on: (October 18 2017)
  • Enforcement on: (October 19 2017)